
かわら版6号 / M-kawara No.6


I've just issued Matsue Kawaraban No.6. When I started out this news letter, I had something in mind: pointing out unneccesary and inifective, and also money-gulping projects and practices going around here. Now that I've just cmpleted what I have been trying to, I'll go much more relaxed and enjoyable way from the next one, unless some new things come up. "Well Done" to myself.


晩秋 / Late Fall


Matsue in fall is superb. The picture top is ginkgo trees on the slope adjacent to my old school, North High School. The air is full of ginkgo nuts smell. The middle is along the moat surrounding the castle. I love the contrast of green, red, and yellow. The bottom is skinned persimmons my friend is trying to make dried ones. She generously gave me one string of them. Hmm, yummy !


終了 / End


蛍の光:松江城開府博 / Moment of Relief

The 400 anniversary events of Matsue Castle have finally come to an end. Over 5 years!!!
Congratulation, Matsue Castle! You've got back usual quiet days and dignity. Great !!!


くじけないで / Don't Lose Hearts

福島 3.11の大災害から、早くも8カ月半。それでも、「がんばれ!」と歌い、舞い踊らせ続ける開府400年祭推進協議会。(舞姫さん達が悪いわけではありません)
ところで先日松江歴史館に、下重暁子さんのトークショーを聞きに。奇しくもそこで下重さんが、『「がんばれ」なんて、使い古された陳腐な言葉が飛び交う、どうしようもない今の世の中。震災の被災地の方達も、もう「がんばれ」なんて言われたくない、って仰ってるわ。(私の拍手) もし言うなら、柴田トヨさんの詩のように、そっと「くじけないでね」って言ってあげたい。』
Japanese tend to say "Ganbare (Make your best effort) !" very often and casually with little thought about the situation in which the other person is. Now that eight and a half months has passed, the victims of Fukushima 3.11 are in real difficult and stresful, or even depressed situation. Still Matsue City has been shouting "Ganbare" to those people. How insensitive it is !
I found the word for them; "Don't lose hearts". Actually it is one phrase from the poem written by 98 (now 100)-year-old lady, Toyo Shibata.  Simple but heart-warming poems !


キャラ / Character


In Japan, People seem to love "soft-image-character"and even hold annual "Summit" to decide the best-loved character.
The three above are our local ones. But, personally I like Mr.Yoshida, our prefectural one best.

Mr.Appare and Princess Shijimi above got married on December 4th at English Garden. Congratulations !!! 


吉田君 / Mr.Yoshida

このキャラクター、実はお城であった「島根健バンド」のコンサートにゲスト出演、Queenの"Flash" のナレーションの部分を担当された、アニメ作家兼声優のFROGMANさんの人気アニメの主人公。FROGさんは「白い船」の撮影で島根入り。そこで今の奥さんに出会い、しばらく島根県人に。
働け!吉田くん # 00 「吉田登場」
秘密結社鷹の爪 第1話(前篇)
楽園ペイパー「Po・・・・」・・・& クリス ぺプラー

I have no idea how to introduce this character, Mr.Yoshida, to you. Well, he is an antihero of popular anime and also a super ambassador of Shimane Prefecture.  The creator of this character is Frogman, who came to Shimane as one of a team staff making movie "White Boat", and then met a future wife. He once lived in Shimane making many animes.
 He is also very good at mimicking many personality, especially a famous DJ, Chris Peppler. In the second video Frogman mimics Chris. In the last video real Chris himself is talking nonsense.   


「が~んばれ♪」? / !!!


が~んばれ、がんばれ ♪


I'm really mad about how insensitive the Matsue Castle's 400 Anniversary Council is. After tow month's mourning period, it started the scheduled events, which included the song and dance that sent message of encouragement "Ganbare, ganbare (Hold on, hang in there)♪" to the victims. It was appropriate at the first survival period.
However,  half a year later the people living in the temporary houses with no visible future got into really stressful and gloomy situation. At this stage, it is common knowledge that "Ganbare" is a taboo phrase. What they need now is silent but consistent support. A really stupid head of the Council ! 


武者行列 / Samurai Parade


Samurai Parade 2011 Oct 29.  Parade ?  Why only one samurai ?  Well, when the parade arrived around castle gate, they already were exhausted out and the only available samurai still full of energy was this guy. 
 If you want to see more samurai, click the video below.  
 "Otsukaresama"(Well done. Get some rest.)
Now, the 400 Anniversary Festival of Matsue Castle has come to end with this event, not officially   but to me. Go back to my normal life. What a relief ! I'm now totally tired out.


水燈路末日 / End of Suitouro


Suitouro has finally ended and now the smell of late fall has started strolling in.
During the Suitouro weeks, I had been handing out "Matsue Kawaraban" from 6:30 to around 9:30, sitting on the cold concrete step. Sometimes I felt lonely and thought myself foolish doing this kind of things. But I can't help but do it. It's my nature.
However, I decided that the last day was my day-off, and I enjoyed walking around the castle ground looking around hundreds of lanterns and listening to the nice music of Ending Jazz Concert with good smell of food floating around from the food stalls. Great night !
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マイケル追悼ダンス in 松江 / MJ Tribute

ついに、松江市南殿町商店街に、「マイケル追悼ゲリラダンス」登場!やったねー!で、早速YouTubeにUP! 山陰初の、マイケル・ゲリラダンス・パフォーマンスですよ! マイケルっ子も、しまねっこも、子連れ父さんも、みんな揃って "Beat it, beat it~♪" しまねっこ君も、けっこう身のこなしが・・・。その斜め右、赤シャツお姉さんが一番うまいかな~。マイケルは、永遠だ!
でも、ちょっと一言。おい、こらっ、そこのヨサコイ!ペットボトルなんか持って踊るんじゃない!マイケル追悼への侮辱だ !!!

松江市南殿町 2011年10月2日
MJ Tribute Dance in Matsue : マイケル追悼ダンス"BEAT IT" in 松江 

THIS IS IT マイケル・ジャクソン一周忌 全国同時 Beat It ゲリラダンス

(ゲリラダンス) 一般市民が急に踊り出したら!(by ストックホルム)

Here it happened ! Michael Tribute guerrilla dance performance  in Matsue ! It was the first one in Sanin area. Great !!! Michael, you'll be forever ! Love You !

Michael Jackson - Beat It

松江城大茶会 / Tea Ceremony Pagent

松江城大茶会(不味流) / Tea Ceremony Pageant at Matsue Castle

The tea ceremony pageant was held on the Matsue Castle ground on October 1~2. This one is one of the three biggest tea ceremony pageants in Japan. Eight huge tents and Matsue Historical Musium held nine different schools of tea ceremony, including, surprisingly, English tea ceremony perfomed by beautiful-kimono-clad ladies. Matsue is great, calturally!
The video above is by Fumai School, started by one of the lords, Fumai Matsudaira.


かわら版5号 / Kawaraban No.5


I've just finished writing my newsletter, "Matsue Kawaraban (local newsletter) No.5", and started handing out at "Suitouro  ( Moatside Lantarns Festival)", which is held at weekends and national holidays for a month. This time the main issue of my kawaraban is " Get rid of nuclear power plants all over Japan !", mainly because of Fukushima 3.11 and also of my town, which is sitting just 8 km (about 5 miles) away from nuclear plants. It was proved last year that we can have even more of electicity than we need without those nuke plants, as they were totally shut down for 9 months because of the worst neglect of regular check-up in Japan's nuke plants history. In those 9 months, we had no shortage of power, and even the company sold extra electricity to another power company. Those nuke plants are there because of nuke-subsidy-addicted political machine and addict-forced local people. We have to, I think, stop this dangerous and silly game. Having nuclear plants on a country with so many active-fault lines is no laughing matter. Or a laughing matter, in a way ?
Here's an article about Japan's nuclear subsidy addict : Kashima is the place 8km away from my house. Click the title below !
Nuclear Dependency in Japan ; NY Times


9.11 10th Anniversary


It's the 10th anniversary of 9.11.
Horrible incidence !
I pray for all the victims of these infernos. The infernos - - - who, I'm still not sure, triggered? I can't believe this airplane could ignite those explosions from up to down in a few seconds.
I just pray for peace all over the world.


被災者の方々を思いつつ / Deep thought for the victims


Almost half a year has passed since the sequence of earthquakes, tunamis, and nuclear plants disasters. Still those who lost everything in thoses disasters and now are under the threat of possible health problems including cancer, especially for children, are helpless. Now that I've quit my short stint of job, I again start thinking about how I can help those in this hard-hit area. I also think hard about the wisdom of having or not having nuclear plants on this country sitting on so many active-fault lines, the sources of eathequakes.
I again thank all those prayers, donations, and helping hands sent from all over the wold. God bless you!


盛夏 / Mid-Summer


It is in the middle of summer in Japan, so goes up the mercury! When will we get the first wind of autumn ?
By then just enjoy the joy of summer! How about those roof-high sunflowers and the watermelon?


水郷祭 / Fire Works


Today is Matsue City's anual Fire Work Festival, which always takes place in the park along the shore of Lake Shinji.
In the afternoon, we had a sudden shower, but until 8:00 at night the sky was cleared up and the beautiful moon was up there. The moon was right above the fire works in this picture, coughing, I guess


まつえ Candle Night 2011 

夏至の日に、世界中で一斉に灯される Earth Day のキャンドルが、今年も松江城で灯されました。

と以上は忙しい中、取り急ぎ書いたものですが、まるで勘違いでした。オリジナルのEarth Day は、
2009年の国連総会で4月22日を International Mother Earth Day (国際母なる地球デー) とすることが採択され、去年から世界的イベントになりました。


Matsue City has two candle Nights a year. And the one is this one held on the Saturday closest to the summer solstice with the motto---"Precious Nature, Slow Life, and so on". This year's theme is "Ganbare Nippon (Pray for Japan) from Matsue !".

碁選手権 / Go Championship

  松江市で、世界アマチュア囲碁世界選手権戦がありました。 これは5月29日の大戦の様子です。
丁度試合に勝ってお片づけ中のオーストラリア人、Neville Smytheさんにちょっとお話を聞いてみました。(下写真左、右はブラジルのセルソ・シケイラ。スカッフさん)



Matsue City held the 32th World Amateur Go Championship Tournament from May 29th ~ June 1st.  The picture above was the first day.
I interviewed Mr. Neville Smythe from Australia, the vice president of "Australian Go Association", after he beat the Brazilian (the second picture) about the difference between chess and go. He said " Chess is just win or lose, but go is a kind of philosophy through the game." After the interview he gave me a big smile and a kangaroo pin badge !!
 Click the URL above and click English, and you can get more information about this event.

端午の節句 / Boy's Day Decoration


We Japanese celebrate the Boy's Day by usually decorating a set of dolls on a tiered stand. But I saw these colorful decorations for Boy's Day at the Matsue Historical Museum. I like these ones, too.
By the way the Boy's Day falls on May 5th on the lunar calender, which is around June 5th on the     solar calender.


夏近し / Blackberry blossoms


I've been busy since this April as I've got a one-year job. Every day I leave home a little after seven in the morning and come back home a bit after seven at night. Can you believe that? I GET UP at 6:30 in the MORNING. Not in the EVENING. Yeah, I can make it !!! While I'm busy working, summer is quietly coming around the corner. Look at these blackberry blossoms in my backyard.

結果・ Result (8/16)
The summer came and the blossoms turned a good harvest of blackberries,・・・and the crows came・・・(tears). OK, I go optimistic・・・ I can still get this much of harvest. Great !


開府400年博 / 400 anniversary of Matsue Castle


For about tow months after the big disaster in Japan, every corner of Japan has been quiet to mourn those who deceased or have been suffering. Even many scheduled wedding ceremonies have been canceled or postponed.
Now slowly Japan has started to be in its usual life and even hold some events long postponed.
And finally Matsue has jumped into its 400-year anniversary events of Matsue Castle. This samurai character is called "appare-kun (Mr. Well-Done)". Isn't he cute ?  

ホーランエンヤ / Once-in-twelve-year ritual


This is one of the special events for the 400-year anniversary of Matsue Castle. I put the video on YuTube. Just click the URL and enjoy it ! A short comment about this is below the video. Please click "もっと見る ↓"

若武者 / Samurai


The lord with bodyguard samurais is walking along the path along the parking lot which used to be the big square in front of the castle gate.
" what are these strange things on our right side ???"

人力車 / Riickshaw


These days, the rickshaws are running along the moats surrounding the castle. This young lady is just about to fall in love with this cool rickshaw guy. Spring !

遅咲きチューリップ / Late bloomer


Much -late-blooming tulips, just like my life!
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夜桜 / Castle and Cherry Blossom 4/15


We Japanese have a special affection for cherry blossoms, which come suddenly and just go real quickly. Maybe that's why they are so precious to us. Please join us for cherry-blossom parties at the castle ground, with a lot of sake !!! 

春 / spring

こぶし / magnolia 4/15
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松江歴史館 開館 / Opening of Matsue Historical Musium


Matsue Historical Museum has finally opened its gates quietly without any ceremony or celebrations after the sequences of the North-East-Japan Great Earthquakes.
It has taken three years of construction work and some controversies. But after all, I think it's worth being there, along the castle moat. Congratulations !!!

東日本大震災 / East Japan Earthquake

日本のこの大災害に、世界中から次々と応援のメッセージが送られています。下のURL をクリック!一番下の1~10をクリックして見て下さい。


The big earthquakes, Tsunamis, and the nuclear plants' disasters ! We Japanese and the people all over the world have been watching those sequences of catastrophe breathlessly.
What a fool it is to build nuclear plants on the earthquake country!!!
Anyway thanks for the so many prayers for Japan from all over the world. They mean a lot to us Japanese. Click the URL above. You can see a lot more messages if you click 1~10 down below.


St. Patrick's Day Night

Posted by Picasa地震の成り行きを気にしつつも、とりあえずカラコロ工房であった ST. Patrick's Day の前夜祭の、アイリッシュパブに行ってきました。松江って、本当にインターナショナルな街だな~と、アイリッシュな夜のひと時を。でも、NHKのユースゥトリームで地震の中継を聞きながらこれを書いている今、胸がドキドキしています。
明日のパレードは、日本のこの緊急時でのお祭りは控えてほしいというアイルランド大使からの要望で、中止となりました。 Facebookでも、アメリカやシンガポール、アフリカからも、安否確認のメッセージが届いています。世界中が、日本の為に祈っています。

I had a glass of Guinness beer at the Irish pub for St. Patrick's Day, in between shivering watching         the earthquakes' live news. It's a really horrible experience to hear constant news of ever-lasting disasters. The parade scheduled for tomorrow is canceled by the request of Irish ambassador considering this big disaster in Japan. The whole world seems to be praying for Japan.
Thanks friends for concerned massage over my family and me.   


島根NHKキャラ ! / ! ! !

NHK朝ドラも、関西局担当で最後に残った県。しかたなく、「しじみ」「堀川遊覧」「蕎麦」の3点セットで、お手軽に作ったのが「だんだん」。今どきの高校生が、いや私が高校生の時にも、「だんだん」なんて・・・。あ~、島根はNHKにバカにされてる !
ちなみに、関東局で残りものになった埼玉県のNHKキャラは、どんなの ?

Dear Friends
Just ignore this time. I'm just mad about how Japan's national TV station NHK is making fun of our prefecture, Shimane. It's pushing us this silly doll as our prefectural symbol. DOWN WITH NHK !!!


Irish Cooking Lesson


Today I participated in "Irish Cooking and Talk". The teacher was an Irish staff in the  International Office (or, something like that) .
The menu was, clockwise from right below,  "leek and oatmeal soup", shepherd pie", "salad with Irish dressing", and "scone with strawberry sauce". Sound yummy ? Yes, they all were !
Look at the earnest faces of student chefs. And, yes, now Japanese men also cook. Great, isn't it ? We women really enjoyed courteous service of the fellow men along with those delicious foods. 


My Birthday ♪


Happy Birthday to Me!Yes, today is my birthday, so I bought a new PC for myself---a good way to make putting one more year to my age very enjoyable. Don't you think so. Anyway I'm a very generous person to myself. He, he, he.
Oh, thank you Cathy, Joice, and Brother and Sister.
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節分・旧正月 / Setsubun & Chinese New Year


Today in Japan is "Setsubun"--a divide of season, which means winter ends today and spring will arrive tomorrow, actually according to the lunar calender. We do some activities to get rid of demons and welcome good luck on this occasion, like throwing roasted beans shouting "Demns out, good luck in" or biting into a long sushi roll called "Ehoumaki" facing to a certain direction which changes every year, this year "south south east". I don't know why we are supposed to face to a certain direction, but it's nice to eat a big sushi roll anyway.
Today happens to be a New Year's Day on the lunar calender and I've got a New Year's Card from a Chinese-Malaysian friend living in Singapore. "新年好"
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