
武者行列 / Samurai Parade


Samurai Parade 2011 Oct 29.  Parade ?  Why only one samurai ?  Well, when the parade arrived around castle gate, they already were exhausted out and the only available samurai still full of energy was this guy. 
 If you want to see more samurai, click the video below.  
 "Otsukaresama"(Well done. Get some rest.)
Now, the 400 Anniversary Festival of Matsue Castle has come to end with this event, not officially   but to me. Go back to my normal life. What a relief ! I'm now totally tired out.


水燈路末日 / End of Suitouro


Suitouro has finally ended and now the smell of late fall has started strolling in.
During the Suitouro weeks, I had been handing out "Matsue Kawaraban" from 6:30 to around 9:30, sitting on the cold concrete step. Sometimes I felt lonely and thought myself foolish doing this kind of things. But I can't help but do it. It's my nature.
However, I decided that the last day was my day-off, and I enjoyed walking around the castle ground looking around hundreds of lanterns and listening to the nice music of Ending Jazz Concert with good smell of food floating around from the food stalls. Great night !
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マイケル追悼ダンス in 松江 / MJ Tribute

ついに、松江市南殿町商店街に、「マイケル追悼ゲリラダンス」登場!やったねー!で、早速YouTubeにUP! 山陰初の、マイケル・ゲリラダンス・パフォーマンスですよ! マイケルっ子も、しまねっこも、子連れ父さんも、みんな揃って "Beat it, beat it~♪" しまねっこ君も、けっこう身のこなしが・・・。その斜め右、赤シャツお姉さんが一番うまいかな~。マイケルは、永遠だ!
でも、ちょっと一言。おい、こらっ、そこのヨサコイ!ペットボトルなんか持って踊るんじゃない!マイケル追悼への侮辱だ !!!

松江市南殿町 2011年10月2日
MJ Tribute Dance in Matsue : マイケル追悼ダンス"BEAT IT" in 松江 

THIS IS IT マイケル・ジャクソン一周忌 全国同時 Beat It ゲリラダンス

(ゲリラダンス) 一般市民が急に踊り出したら!(by ストックホルム)

Here it happened ! Michael Tribute guerrilla dance performance  in Matsue ! It was the first one in Sanin area. Great !!! Michael, you'll be forever ! Love You !

Michael Jackson - Beat It

松江城大茶会 / Tea Ceremony Pagent

松江城大茶会(不味流) / Tea Ceremony Pageant at Matsue Castle

The tea ceremony pageant was held on the Matsue Castle ground on October 1~2. This one is one of the three biggest tea ceremony pageants in Japan. Eight huge tents and Matsue Historical Musium held nine different schools of tea ceremony, including, surprisingly, English tea ceremony perfomed by beautiful-kimono-clad ladies. Matsue is great, calturally!
The video above is by Fumai School, started by one of the lords, Fumai Matsudaira.