
瓦礫拡散反対・北九州市 / Stop Spreading Debris with Nukes



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In Japan strange, well I would say crazy, things are going on: spreading the debris of the tsunami contaminated by the radioactive fallout from Fukushima. Real crazy. In a common sense, those things should be concealed in the place where they are.
Now we have to lay our lives to stop it. They are lying under the truck carrying the debris to stop it from entering the incinerate site.  






5月22日午前、静岡県政記者クラブにおいて、静岡県島田市伊太小学校730bq/kg,大津小学校1970bq/kg の汚染が発表さた。静岡県島田市は試験焼却前は10bq/kg程度の汚染地域。


タケノコ / Bamboo Shoot

正直、今まで皮ごとタケノコを料理したことのない私でしたが、ネットで検索。見事にタケノコの茹であがり。さて、その次は?そっと薄いタケノコの一皮を口にしたら、お い し い !そこで下の写真のように、塩とオリーブ油でタケノコそのままの滋味を。来年も西日本では、タケノコが食べれることを祈りつつ。

We Japanese feel the spring is in its high point tasting the varieties of bamboo shoot dishes. And now it is it ! However, bamboo shoots are now forbidden delicacy in the east side of Japan because of high level of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants disaster.
Only those who live in the west side have privilege of enjoy bamboo shoots fresh from bamboo forests. I got one here, and it was my first time to cook the whole bamboo shoot with skins. I managed to boil it and ate with salt and olive oil. It was so delicious, woo ! I hope we'll still have that joy of season next tear.


祝・全原発稼働停止! / No Nukes at Work in Japan !

5月5日、子供の日!子供たちへの最高のプレゼント!北海道の泊原発が定期検査に入り稼働停止。これで日本で稼働している原発が0基になります。このまま永遠に原発 を停止、そしてすべてを廃炉に!それしか、日本と、そしてこれから日本を担っていく子供たの未来はありません。

Today is a monumental day for Japan's future. The last nuclear power plant still at work in Japan is going to be stopped for the regular safety checkup. From tomorrow on we will live without any nuclear power plants.
The greedy folks who treasure money over our lives are now working hard to reatart them, but we won't let them do that. We will fight to dismantle all of them and keep the earth safe for our future. Today happens to be the Children's Day. Great gift for the children not only in Japan but all over the world. God bless children !