
くじけないで / Don't Lose Hearts

福島 3.11の大災害から、早くも8カ月半。それでも、「がんばれ!」と歌い、舞い踊らせ続ける開府400年祭推進協議会。(舞姫さん達が悪いわけではありません)
ところで先日松江歴史館に、下重暁子さんのトークショーを聞きに。奇しくもそこで下重さんが、『「がんばれ」なんて、使い古された陳腐な言葉が飛び交う、どうしようもない今の世の中。震災の被災地の方達も、もう「がんばれ」なんて言われたくない、って仰ってるわ。(私の拍手) もし言うなら、柴田トヨさんの詩のように、そっと「くじけないでね」って言ってあげたい。』
Japanese tend to say "Ganbare (Make your best effort) !" very often and casually with little thought about the situation in which the other person is. Now that eight and a half months has passed, the victims of Fukushima 3.11 are in real difficult and stresful, or even depressed situation. Still Matsue City has been shouting "Ganbare" to those people. How insensitive it is !
I found the word for them; "Don't lose hearts". Actually it is one phrase from the poem written by 98 (now 100)-year-old lady, Toyo Shibata.  Simple but heart-warming poems !

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