
吉田君 / Mr.Yoshida

このキャラクター、実はお城であった「島根健バンド」のコンサートにゲスト出演、Queenの"Flash" のナレーションの部分を担当された、アニメ作家兼声優のFROGMANさんの人気アニメの主人公。FROGさんは「白い船」の撮影で島根入り。そこで今の奥さんに出会い、しばらく島根県人に。
働け!吉田くん # 00 「吉田登場」
秘密結社鷹の爪 第1話(前篇)
楽園ペイパー「Po・・・・」・・・& クリス ぺプラー

I have no idea how to introduce this character, Mr.Yoshida, to you. Well, he is an antihero of popular anime and also a super ambassador of Shimane Prefecture.  The creator of this character is Frogman, who came to Shimane as one of a team staff making movie "White Boat", and then met a future wife. He once lived in Shimane making many animes.
 He is also very good at mimicking many personality, especially a famous DJ, Chris Peppler. In the second video Frogman mimics Chris. In the last video real Chris himself is talking nonsense.   

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