パイナップル 2010年末日
Hi, Friend
It is New Year Eve ! White Eve !
This morning, I woke up and, at a glance through the window, was surprsed. Monochrome world ! Snow !
By the way, the big pine tree on the left is the other side of the one you saw on my YouTube video.
Have a Good New Year's Day ! Love Pineapple
Merry Christmas !
まっ、いいか。草食系のクリスマスは、こんなもの !
では、みな様も良いシングル、いやジングルベルを !
Hi, Merry Christmas !
Are you having a good christmas dinner tonight ?
Tomorrow morning, you'll rip open lots of christmas presents. Exciting ?
Wow! I hope you'll like them all, or you'll have to run to the stores with the gifts and the receipts.
Have a Good Christms Holiday !!!
まっ、いいか。草食系のクリスマスは、こんなもの !
では、みな様も良いシングル、いやジングルベルを !
Hi, Merry Christmas !
Are you having a good christmas dinner tonight ?
Tomorrow morning, you'll rip open lots of christmas presents. Exciting ?
Wow! I hope you'll like them all, or you'll have to run to the stores with the gifts and the receipts.
Have a Good Christms Holiday !!!
来客 / Guest
ふと見ると、ウッドデッキに丸まった小さな雑巾。 うぅん? 良く見ると、うずくまった小鳥。
余りにもじっとしてるで、死んでるの ? すると、ふとした拍子にこっちを。やれやれ !
でもこの小鳥さん、なぜか気だるそ~な様子。連日の寒さに参ったの ? それとも・・・鳥インフルエンザ ? しばらくすると、何処かに立ち去りました。でも、あの訴えるような目が心に。元気に空を飛んでいてね。
There was something small, just like a small rag ball, on my deck. "What's that ? " It turned out to be a small bird. But it didn't move. "Is it dead ? Suddenly it turned to me. Great relief !
However, it looked very dull. "Have you got a cold after that cold wave?・・・Or, a bird flu ? "
Eventually the bird flew away. But its helpless eyes have kept me uneasy all day. I hope that bird is now flying high with fresh energy.
余りにもじっとしてるで、死んでるの ? すると、ふとした拍子にこっちを。やれやれ !
でもこの小鳥さん、なぜか気だるそ~な様子。連日の寒さに参ったの ? それとも・・・鳥インフルエンザ ? しばらくすると、何処かに立ち去りました。でも、あの訴えるような目が心に。元気に空を飛んでいてね。
There was something small, just like a small rag ball, on my deck. "What's that ? " It turned out to be a small bird. But it didn't move. "Is it dead ? Suddenly it turned to me. Great relief !
However, it looked very dull. "Have you got a cold after that cold wave?・・・Or, a bird flu ? "
Eventually the bird flew away. But its helpless eyes have kept me uneasy all day. I hope that bird is now flying high with fresh energy.
新兵器 / My New Wepon
これが、いいですよ~。二階に子機を取りに走らなくてもいい。思った時に、気軽にホイッと子機を取り上げ、椅子にデーンと座って取材が出来る。えっ、そんなもの買って欲しくなかった? いえ、またお邪魔させて頂きます。
The above are my new wepons. One fax-telphone and two handy extentions. My old one had only one extention, and when I live in an apartment room in Yokohama, that was fine. But now I live in a two-floor house and I had to run upstairs to grab the extention whenever I needed to call up to collect materials for my "Kawaraban"(newsletter) as an editor-cum-writer.
I really needed another extention in my office, actually a small living room, on the firt floor, so I've got those, finally.
Now, I only pick up this small thing, and sit in my chair or walk around and occasionally pick up some snack from the frige while cornering someone with very serious questions for my next cover. Cool, isn't it ?
これが、いいですよ~。二階に子機を取りに走らなくてもいい。思った時に、気軽にホイッと子機を取り上げ、椅子にデーンと座って取材が出来る。えっ、そんなもの買って欲しくなかった? いえ、またお邪魔させて頂きます。
The above are my new wepons. One fax-telphone and two handy extentions. My old one had only one extention, and when I live in an apartment room in Yokohama, that was fine. But now I live in a two-floor house and I had to run upstairs to grab the extention whenever I needed to call up to collect materials for my "Kawaraban"(newsletter) as an editor-cum-writer.
I really needed another extention in my office, actually a small living room, on the firt floor, so I've got those, finally.
Now, I only pick up this small thing, and sit in my chair or walk around and occasionally pick up some snack from the frige while cornering someone with very serious questions for my next cover. Cool, isn't it ?
BABY ! ! !
友人のAmyに、女の赤ちゃんが生まれました。名前は、Hannah(神の愛:慈悲)Alisa(真実なる者)。彼女は敬虔なクリスチャンなので、子供の名前は全て聖書から。ちなみに上の双子のboysの名前は、NoahとMicahです。この二人がもうとっても可愛い。それにHannah(花ちゃんと呼ぼう)ちゃんが加わったら、本当にhappy, happy familyです。Amyおめでとう !
Good news ! My friend Amy gave birth to a baby girl. Her name is Hannah(Grace) Alisa(Truthful One )Koehler. Amy is a real Christian, so her twin boys got Noah and Micah for their name, too. I met Amy over 20 years ago when she was 18-year-old freshman on the UW campus and have been good friends ever since. So those three are very precious ones to me, too.
Congratulations Amy, and Matt, Noah, Micah, and Leona(Amy's mom) ! ! !
Good news ! My friend Amy gave birth to a baby girl. Her name is Hannah(Grace) Alisa(Truthful One )Koehler. Amy is a real Christian, so her twin boys got Noah and Micah for their name, too. I met Amy over 20 years ago when she was 18-year-old freshman on the UW campus and have been good friends ever since. So those three are very precious ones to me, too.
Congratulations Amy, and Matt, Noah, Micah, and Leona(Amy's mom) ! ! !
映画 / Movie
松江に帰り、早速「島根県民会館 名画劇場」の会員に登録。最初は毎月見てましたが、「名画」というより「迷画」というような愚作も多く、最近は選んで観に行ってます。
Hi, Friends
Today I'll talk about movies again, or just recommend a movie I recently saw. The title is "Crossing". If you preffer acction or macho ones, this isn't your thing.
The boy in the pictuer above lived in North Korea with his father and mother, but his pregnant mother was suffering from a tuberculosis. The medicine for it was very hard to get in North Korea and finally his father decided to cross the border to get it in South Korea, leaving him his dying mother. And-------. You just see it.
Since leaving the movie theater, the face of this boy has been haunting me. I have to write about this movie to exorcise the ghost of his image. A rare movie I felt moving recently, with lots of tears in my white handecrchief !
錦織監督 / Movie Director Nishikoori
会場に入って、「あれっ、会を間違えたかな?」 映画好きの若い層の聴衆を頭に描いていたので・・・。
Hi, Friends
Today I want to introduce some movies directed by Mr. Nishikoori, who is from my home prefecture "Shimane" and has been focusing his passion on filming Shimane's heart---people and nature.
His turning point and still his root came when he went back to his hometown and happened to meet some children who were playing in the school yard and greeted him with innocent cheerful smiles, which were to him fresh sensation and inspiration.
He wrote a scenario and directed. Then his breakthrough film "White Ship" was born. This movie was first on screens in Shimane, but gradually spread all over Japan and even spilled into foreighn countries. He got some real ardent fans but was still minor then.
This year, his major film " Railways" started showing all over japan in May, and many people were facinated by Shimane's beautiful scenery and warm relationship among local folks.
His other films include "Heart of the Sea", "Miracle Banana" (a movie filmed in Haiti)
I hope some of you will try to grab the charm of Shimane and art of his film through his movies.
会場に入って、「あれっ、会を間違えたかな?」 映画好きの若い層の聴衆を頭に描いていたので・・・。
Hi, Friends
Today I want to introduce some movies directed by Mr. Nishikoori, who is from my home prefecture "Shimane" and has been focusing his passion on filming Shimane's heart---people and nature.
His turning point and still his root came when he went back to his hometown and happened to meet some children who were playing in the school yard and greeted him with innocent cheerful smiles, which were to him fresh sensation and inspiration.
He wrote a scenario and directed. Then his breakthrough film "White Ship" was born. This movie was first on screens in Shimane, but gradually spread all over Japan and even spilled into foreighn countries. He got some real ardent fans but was still minor then.
This year, his major film " Railways" started showing all over japan in May, and many people were facinated by Shimane's beautiful scenery and warm relationship among local folks.
His other films include "Heart of the Sea", "Miracle Banana" (a movie filmed in Haiti)
I hope some of you will try to grab the charm of Shimane and art of his film through his movies.
仮面ライダー出現 ! / Kamen-Riders !
急いで (なにしろ)野次馬なので) 引き返し、前の方に行ったら・・・仮面ライダー!
Hi Friends
Do you know those five guys in colorful costume? They are "Kamen (masked) Riders", Japan's comic book heroes. I was very surprised to see many tough uniformed guys and those Kamen Riders just outside square of castle.
Why are they there ? Kind of preparation against attacks , well by China , over Senkaku ?
The truth is they are there to start a campaign march for fire prevention.
Can Kamen Riders fight against fire too, beside fight against bad guys ?
By the way, Queen Elizabeth joined Facebook. Great !!
日本の秋 / Japan's Autumn
みな様、この一週間ブログから失礼していましたが、「横浜市議 大田」のHPの「時事問題」をクリックすると、11月5日から当分「パイナップル」づくしです。
そう、「尖閣ビデオ流出」以来、ユーチューブの動画に続々と入るコメントのチェックと報告に明け暮れてました。その間にも、「松江かわら版 No,3」を発行しましたよ。しかし、マスコミの偏向のひどさには、あらためて驚きました。「松江かわら版」では、極力、偏向しない報道をと思います。まあ、筆者の主観がいくぶん・・・。
Hi, Friends
I've been absent from this blog for a week because I've been glued to the "Senkaku Video inccident". I don't think the whole Chinese people is idiot and blinded by the government's propaganda. Actually, the original videos were removed early morning on 5/11, but someone already copied them and put them up soon after the originals disappeared. To my surprise, one of those copied 0nes have been viewed close to 3 milion times so far, and that viewer include many Chinese people. Comments by those people are rare since I think viewing is relatively safe but sending comments is very risky. I wish a peaceful friendship all over the world, AND the "TRUTH". Where is it ?
Oh, by the way, the chrysanthemums in the picture above are the best ones in the "Chrysanthemum Festival" in my town. The grower got the best award.
Enjoy perfect beauty of Japan's autumn.
尖閣列島ビデオ / Senkaku video
今朝は早々から、「尖閣ビデオ、YouTubeにUP !」でうぬぬぬぬ・・・・・。いやー、数分刻みでコメントが投稿されるけど、みんな「sengoku38」に拍手 ! そして、日本政府と中国に対する怒りでしたね。
ーYahooのクリック調査 ・・・sengoku38の行為ー
歓迎(welcome): 62% / やむおえない(OK): 21% / 問題だ(concerned): 17% / 分からない(not sure): 7%
From early this morning, most Japanese were taken aback but felt exhilarated to know that some one, actually "sengoku38", had put up on YouTube a national secret video taken by Japan's Maritime Safety Agency during the clash with Chinese ship two months ago.
It was a witness video and would become a strong evidence against the Chinese claim that a drunken captain hit against it by accident. But it Was intentional, the video shows.
However, strangely, the Japanese government was real reluctant to show it , or even has been trying to hide it.
Now it all open to us. Cheers to "sengoku38"!
The above is the click opinion survey about th conduct of "sengoke38 by Yahoo. 157200 people clicked. Great !
きままトーク / Chat in English
またまたパイナップルです。といっても「「きままトーク」のお引越し。写真が沢山入ってる方が楽しい。それに、"Chat Chat in Matsue"は重要な問題の討論用に簡潔にしておきたい。という事で、もう一つブログを作りました。
松江を旅行した横浜の知人の娘さんが、「松江って、古いお寺が有ると思うと、その横に素敵で可愛いキャフェが ! 」と、とても気に入ったそう。
Hi, Friends
I've started up a new bilingual blog in which we explore both old and new charms of Matsue or just chat about anything from art to food, which is my favorite subject actually.
This is the replacement of "Chat in English" combined with Japanese one with much more pictures. Exciting !?
I'll just write in a very laid -back style, so please write me back casually.
松江を旅行した横浜の知人の娘さんが、「松江って、古いお寺が有ると思うと、その横に素敵で可愛いキャフェが ! 」と、とても気に入ったそう。
Hi, Friends
I've started up a new bilingual blog in which we explore both old and new charms of Matsue or just chat about anything from art to food, which is my favorite subject actually.
This is the replacement of "Chat in English" combined with Japanese one with much more pictures. Exciting !?
I'll just write in a very laid -back style, so please write me back casually.
投稿 (Atom)