
来客 / Guest

ふと見ると、ウッドデッキに丸まった小さな雑巾。 うぅん? 良く見ると、うずくまった小鳥。
余りにもじっとしてるで、死んでるの ? すると、ふとした拍子にこっちを。やれやれ !
でもこの小鳥さん、なぜか気だるそ~な様子。連日の寒さに参ったの ? それとも・・・鳥インフルエンザ ? しばらくすると、何処かに立ち去りました。でも、あの訴えるような目が心に。元気に空を飛んでいてね。

There was something small, just like a small rag ball, on my deck. "What's that ? " It turned out to be a small bird. But it didn't move. "Is it dead ? Suddenly it turned to me. Great relief !
However, it looked very dull. "Have you got a cold after that cold wave?・・・Or, a bird flu ? "
Eventually the bird flew away. But its helpless eyes have kept me uneasy all day. I hope that bird is now flying high with fresh energy.
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