
尖閣列島ビデオ / Senkaku video

  今朝は早々から、「尖閣ビデオ、YouTubeにUP !」でうぬぬぬぬ・・・・・。いやー、数分刻みでコメントが投稿されるけど、みんな「sengoku38」に拍手 ! そして、日本政府と中国に対する怒りでしたね。
ーYahooのクリック調査 ・・・sengoku38の行為ー
歓迎(welcome): 62% / やむおえない(OK): 21% / 問題だ(concerned): 17% / 分からない(not sure): 7%

  From early this morning, most Japanese were taken aback but felt exhilarated to know that some one,  actually "sengoku38", had put up on YouTube a national secret video taken by Japan's Maritime Safety Agency during the clash with Chinese ship two months ago.
  It was a witness video and would become a strong evidence against the Chinese claim that a drunken captain  hit against it by accident. But it Was intentional, the video shows.
However, strangely, the Japanese government was real reluctant to show it , or even has been trying to hide it.
  Now it all open to us.  Cheers to "sengoku38"!
The above is the click opinion survey about th conduct of "sengoke38 by Yahoo. 157200 people clicked. Great !

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