
日本の秋 / Japan's Autumn

みな様、この一週間ブログから失礼していましたが、「横浜市議 大田」のHPの「時事問題」をクリックすると、11月5日から当分「パイナップル」づくしです。
そう、「尖閣ビデオ流出」以来、ユーチューブの動画に続々と入るコメントのチェックと報告に明け暮れてました。その間にも、「松江かわら版 No,3」を発行しましたよ。しかし、マスコミの偏向のひどさには、あらためて驚きました。「松江かわら版」では、極力、偏向しない報道をと思います。まあ、筆者の主観がいくぶん・・・。

Hi, Friends
I've been absent from this blog for a week because I've been glued to the "Senkaku Video inccident". I don't think the whole Chinese people is idiot and blinded by the government's propaganda. Actually, the original videos were removed early morning on 5/11, but someone already copied them and put them up soon after the originals disappeared. To my surprise, one of those copied 0nes have been viewed close to 3 milion times so far, and that viewer include many Chinese people. Comments by those people are rare since I think viewing is relatively safe but sending comments is very risky. I wish a peaceful friendship all over the world, AND the "TRUTH". Where is it ?
Oh, by the way, the chrysanthemums in the picture above are the best ones in the "Chrysanthemum Festival" in my town. The grower got the best award.
Enjoy perfect beauty of Japan's autumn.

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