
かわら版5号 / Kawaraban No.5


I've just finished writing my newsletter, "Matsue Kawaraban (local newsletter) No.5", and started handing out at "Suitouro  ( Moatside Lantarns Festival)", which is held at weekends and national holidays for a month. This time the main issue of my kawaraban is " Get rid of nuclear power plants all over Japan !", mainly because of Fukushima 3.11 and also of my town, which is sitting just 8 km (about 5 miles) away from nuclear plants. It was proved last year that we can have even more of electicity than we need without those nuke plants, as they were totally shut down for 9 months because of the worst neglect of regular check-up in Japan's nuke plants history. In those 9 months, we had no shortage of power, and even the company sold extra electricity to another power company. Those nuke plants are there because of nuke-subsidy-addicted political machine and addict-forced local people. We have to, I think, stop this dangerous and silly game. Having nuclear plants on a country with so many active-fault lines is no laughing matter. Or a laughing matter, in a way ?
Here's an article about Japan's nuclear subsidy addict : Kashima is the place 8km away from my house. Click the title below !
Nuclear Dependency in Japan ; NY Times


9.11 10th Anniversary


It's the 10th anniversary of 9.11.
Horrible incidence !
I pray for all the victims of these infernos. The infernos - - - who, I'm still not sure, triggered? I can't believe this airplane could ignite those explosions from up to down in a few seconds.
I just pray for peace all over the world.