
大晦日 / New Year Eve

パイナップル 2010年末日

Hi, Friend
It is New Year Eve ! White Eve !
This morning, I woke up and, at a glance through the window, was surprsed. Monochrome world ! Snow !
By the way, the big pine tree on the left is the other side of the one you saw on my YouTube video.
Have a Good New Year's Day ! Love Pineapple
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Merry Christmas !

まっ、いいか。草食系のクリスマスは、こんなもの !
では、みな様も良いシングル、いやジングルベルを !

Hi, Merry Christmas !
Are you having a good christmas dinner tonight ?
Tomorrow morning, you'll rip open lots of christmas presents. Exciting ?
Wow! I hope you'll like them all, or you'll have to run to the stores with the gifts and the receipts.
Have a Good Christms Holiday !!!
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来客 / Guest

ふと見ると、ウッドデッキに丸まった小さな雑巾。 うぅん? 良く見ると、うずくまった小鳥。
余りにもじっとしてるで、死んでるの ? すると、ふとした拍子にこっちを。やれやれ !
でもこの小鳥さん、なぜか気だるそ~な様子。連日の寒さに参ったの ? それとも・・・鳥インフルエンザ ? しばらくすると、何処かに立ち去りました。でも、あの訴えるような目が心に。元気に空を飛んでいてね。

There was something small, just like a small rag ball, on my deck. "What's that ? " It turned out to be a small bird. But it didn't move. "Is it dead ? Suddenly it turned to me. Great relief !
However, it looked very dull. "Have you got a cold after that cold wave?・・・Or, a bird flu ? "
Eventually the bird flew away. But its helpless eyes have kept me uneasy all day. I hope that bird is now flying high with fresh energy.
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新兵器 / My New Wepon

これが、いいですよ~。二階に子機を取りに走らなくてもいい。思った時に、気軽にホイッと子機を取り上げ、椅子にデーンと座って取材が出来る。えっ、そんなもの買って欲しくなかった? いえ、またお邪魔させて頂きます。

The above are my new wepons. One fax-telphone and two handy extentions. My old one had only one extention, and when I live in an apartment room in Yokohama, that was fine. But now I live in a two-floor house and I had to run upstairs to grab the extention whenever I needed to call up to collect materials for my "Kawaraban"(newsletter) as an editor-cum-writer.
I really needed another extention in my office, actually a small living room, on the firt floor, so I've got those, finally.
Now, I only pick up this small thing, and sit in my chair or walk around and occasionally pick up some snack from the frige while cornering someone with very serious questions for my next cover. Cool, isn't it ?
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