Matsue Historical Museum has finally opened its gates quietly without any ceremony or celebrations after the sequences of the North-East-Japan Great Earthquakes.
It has taken three years of construction work and some controversies. But after all, I think it's worth being there, along the castle moat. Congratulations !!!
東日本大震災 / East Japan Earthquake
日本のこの大災害に、世界中から次々と応援のメッセージが送られています。下のURL をクリック!一番下の1~10をクリックして見て下さい。
The big earthquakes, Tsunamis, and the nuclear plants' disasters ! We Japanese and the people all over the world have been watching those sequences of catastrophe breathlessly.
What a fool it is to build nuclear plants on the earthquake country!!!
Anyway thanks for the so many prayers for Japan from all over the world. They mean a lot to us Japanese. Click the URL above. You can see a lot more messages if you click 1~10 down below.
日本のこの大災害に、世界中から次々と応援のメッセージが送られています。下のURL をクリック!一番下の1~10をクリックして見て下さい。
The big earthquakes, Tsunamis, and the nuclear plants' disasters ! We Japanese and the people all over the world have been watching those sequences of catastrophe breathlessly.
What a fool it is to build nuclear plants on the earthquake country!!!
Anyway thanks for the so many prayers for Japan from all over the world. They mean a lot to us Japanese. Click the URL above. You can see a lot more messages if you click 1~10 down below.
St. Patrick's Day Night

明日のパレードは、日本のこの緊急時でのお祭りは控えてほしいというアイルランド大使からの要望で、中止となりました。 Facebookでも、アメリカやシンガポール、アフリカからも、安否確認のメッセージが届いています。世界中が、日本の為に祈っています。
I had a glass of Guinness beer at the Irish pub for St. Patrick's Day, in between shivering watching the earthquakes' live news. It's a really horrible experience to hear constant news of ever-lasting disasters. The parade scheduled for tomorrow is canceled by the request of Irish ambassador considering this big disaster in Japan. The whole world seems to be praying for Japan.
Thanks friends for concerned massage over my family and me.
島根NHKキャラ ! / ! ! !
NHK朝ドラも、関西局担当で最後に残った県。しかたなく、「しじみ」「堀川遊覧」「蕎麦」の3点セットで、お手軽に作ったのが「だんだん」。今どきの高校生が、いや私が高校生の時にも、「だんだん」なんて・・・。あ~、島根はNHKにバカにされてる !
ちなみに、関東局で残りものになった埼玉県のNHKキャラは、どんなの ?
Dear Friends
Just ignore this time. I'm just mad about how Japan's national TV station NHK is making fun of our prefecture, Shimane. It's pushing us this silly doll as our prefectural symbol. DOWN WITH NHK !!!
NHK朝ドラも、関西局担当で最後に残った県。しかたなく、「しじみ」「堀川遊覧」「蕎麦」の3点セットで、お手軽に作ったのが「だんだん」。今どきの高校生が、いや私が高校生の時にも、「だんだん」なんて・・・。あ~、島根はNHKにバカにされてる !
ちなみに、関東局で残りものになった埼玉県のNHKキャラは、どんなの ?
Dear Friends
Just ignore this time. I'm just mad about how Japan's national TV station NHK is making fun of our prefecture, Shimane. It's pushing us this silly doll as our prefectural symbol. DOWN WITH NHK !!!
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