まつえ Candle Night 2011
夏至の日に、世界中で一斉に灯される Earth Day のキャンドルが、今年も松江城で灯されました。
と以上は忙しい中、取り急ぎ書いたものですが、まるで勘違いでした。オリジナルのEarth Day は、
2009年の国連総会で4月22日を International Mother Earth Day (国際母なる地球デー) とすることが採択され、去年から世界的イベントになりました。
Matsue City has two candle Nights a year. And the one is this one held on the Saturday closest to the summer solstice with the motto---"Precious Nature, Slow Life, and so on". This year's theme is "Ganbare Nippon (Pray for Japan) from Matsue !".
碁選手権 / Go Championship
松江市で、世界アマチュア囲碁世界選手権戦がありました。 これは5月29日の大戦の様子です。
丁度試合に勝ってお片づけ中のオーストラリア人、Neville Smytheさんにちょっとお話を聞いてみました。(下写真左、右はブラジルのセルソ・シケイラ。スカッフさん)
Matsue City held the 32th World Amateur Go Championship Tournament from May 29th ~ June 1st. The picture above was the first day.
I interviewed Mr. Neville Smythe from Australia, the vice president of "Australian Go Association", after he beat the Brazilian (the second picture) about the difference between chess and go. He said " Chess is just win or lose, but go is a kind of philosophy through the game." After the interview he gave me a big smile and a kangaroo pin badge !!
Click the URL above and click English, and you can get more information about this event.
端午の節句 / Boy's Day Decoration
We Japanese celebrate the Boy's Day by usually decorating a set of dolls on a tiered stand. But I saw these colorful decorations for Boy's Day at the Matsue Historical Museum. I like these ones, too.
By the way the Boy's Day falls on May 5th on the lunar calender, which is around June 5th on the solar calender.
We Japanese celebrate the Boy's Day by usually decorating a set of dolls on a tiered stand. But I saw these colorful decorations for Boy's Day at the Matsue Historical Museum. I like these ones, too.
By the way the Boy's Day falls on May 5th on the lunar calender, which is around June 5th on the solar calender.
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