
Irish Cooking Lesson


Today I participated in "Irish Cooking and Talk". The teacher was an Irish staff in the  International Office (or, something like that) .
The menu was, clockwise from right below,  "leek and oatmeal soup", shepherd pie", "salad with Irish dressing", and "scone with strawberry sauce". Sound yummy ? Yes, they all were !
Look at the earnest faces of student chefs. And, yes, now Japanese men also cook. Great, isn't it ? We women really enjoyed courteous service of the fellow men along with those delicious foods. 


My Birthday ♪


Happy Birthday to Me!Yes, today is my birthday, so I bought a new PC for myself---a good way to make putting one more year to my age very enjoyable. Don't you think so. Anyway I'm a very generous person to myself. He, he, he.
Oh, thank you Cathy, Joice, and Brother and Sister.
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節分・旧正月 / Setsubun & Chinese New Year


Today in Japan is "Setsubun"--a divide of season, which means winter ends today and spring will arrive tomorrow, actually according to the lunar calender. We do some activities to get rid of demons and welcome good luck on this occasion, like throwing roasted beans shouting "Demns out, good luck in" or biting into a long sushi roll called "Ehoumaki" facing to a certain direction which changes every year, this year "south south east". I don't know why we are supposed to face to a certain direction, but it's nice to eat a big sushi roll anyway.
Today happens to be a New Year's Day on the lunar calender and I've got a New Year's Card from a Chinese-Malaysian friend living in Singapore. "新年好"
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2月た゛♪ / February ♪ 2/1

あ~、雪から解放された2月が来た~♪ しかしこの可愛いチリトリとシャベル、100均ものだけど、とてもよく働きました。ご苦労様。

We are now finally relieved from one month of consecutive snows !!! Great !
By the way, this red dustpan and the small shovel are from a one-coin shop. Good job ! Well done !
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夕晴れ / Finally Blue Sky ! 1/31

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天守閣 / Castle 1/31

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堀川遊覧 / Moat Boat 1/31

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影 / Shadow 1/31

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美しく / Still beautiful 1/31

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寒~い / Cold ! 1/31

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夜 / Night 1/30

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夜 / Night 1/30

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夜 / Night 1/30

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堀 / Moat 1/30

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雪 / Snow


This January started with snow, with no running buses for three days (I think they could do drive, but prefer drinking sake at home with a good excuse). Snow has kept falling down with a few days of break for a month, but it definitely decided to stop on January 31 to give us sunny Feburuary. Thanks !
Snows , especially the last coldest one, aroused my artistic (?) sense of photography. Please enjoy or endure my photos for a while.
Ok, this first one was on Jan 30.
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