東日本大震災・津波 の脅威に身を震わせながら見詰め続けた2011年3月11日。
それぞれの人が今日という日を様々に捉え、様々に過ごしました。脱原発集会に参加した人々。家のテレビで多くの1周年記念番組を見て過ごした人々。何もなく普通の日曜日を送った人々。私は今日は鎮魂の日と捉え、静かに沈黙の1日を過ごしました。くしくも大震災の直前に宮城県でロケが行われた「エクレール お菓子放浪記」の上映会にだけはいきました。下の写真が、震災前の北上川河口のヨシ原をバックに川舟に乗る、少年と彼の新しい養母。この美しいヨシ原の光景も、今では津波にのまれ存在しません。
2012 3.11 脱原発集会
One year has passed since the day of Fukushima 3.11. First of all, I pray for those who lost their precious lives in that great calamity of earthquakes and tsunamis. RIP. I also pray for those whose lives are destroyed and messed up by those nuclear disasters.
However, in the past one year we Japanese have gone through and seen so many blunders and greed by Japanese government and big power machine, and we will sure see more coming.
The first picture is something still here, and the second one gone swallowed by the tsunami. Natural disasters have been here all through Japan's history, but we somehow bounced back and started new lives. However, this time, we are very pessimistic, radioactive fallout has contaminated almost half of Japan, the east side except Hokkaido. Surprisingly the government started to spread those contaminated wrecks all over Japan in the name of PATRIOTISM, sharing the sufferings is a duty of Japanese citizen. Sufferings - - endangering our health, especially children's, just for letting big industry make huge money out of this national tragedy.
The worst part to me is that majority of Japanese have swallowed that lie and cheered for accepting the radioactive wrecks and burning them. Burning !!! How high level of radioactive smokes and ashes will be produced by that act ?
The fist picture is still here, but will be soon gone, with our future. GOOD BYE JAPAN.